Beauty Tips for Spring

With the snow finally melted and the temperatures increasing, Montrealers everywhere are looking forward to some well-deserved time in the sun. That said, the transition from cold to warm weather is looking to be more extreme than ever this year (climate change anyone?). Here are five spring beauty tips to make sure your skin’s ready to glow come summer time:


1. Exfoliate dry skin

All the cold air likely created a layer of dry, flaky skin, and your heavy winter clothes may have prevented your skin from effectively rejuvinating. Give the process a kickstart with a weekly exfoliation of your face and body with a hot bath and a srtrong scrub, especially on your knees, elbows, back, hands and feet, and be sure to use a face-specific scrub for the ‘ol mug.


2. Goodbye heavy creams, hello serums and mists

While you may obsessively apply heavy creams in the winter to keep those dry spots moisturized, the warmer weather should ease this need somewhat. Instead, transition to serums, which will keep you moisturized without going overboard while leaving your skin nice and firm, and to mists, which energize your skin with essential vitamins and provide a gentle layer of hydration as well (great for the face).


3. Get balmy

As the weather gets balmier, so too should your lips. Now’s the perfect time to get that luxurious lip balm you had your eyes on, since those lips are probably in need of some serious love following this cold winter. Extra points if you get one with SPF-15, which will work well for you into the summer.


4. Take care of your tootsies

Feet are one of the many casualties a long winter often claims, with drying and cracking often occuring around toes and ankles. With sandle season around the corner, now’s a great time to start applying a foot cream and exfoliating your feet.


5. Update your makeup

Spring’s a great excuse err…I mean reason to get some new makeup. Whether it’s to freshen things up with a spring pallete or just replacing that winter kits that’s been building up germs, there’s no better way to feel like a new you for the fresh season.


6. Start hydrated

You’re probably going to be showing some more skins soon, so make sure it’s tight and firm by starting your summer hydration routinely early. Not only does that mean downing your 1.5 litres, but also eating lots of fresh, vitmain-rich fruit like oranges, mangos, and the ever-mighty grapefruit.


7. Get sculpting

The winter months are notorious for their heavy food and light excercise (it’s OK, this is Montreal), which can lead to the creation of stubborn fat pockets. Use Coolscultoing to get rid of them quick so that it’s like winter never happened come pool-time.


8. Use Virtual Mesotherapy to get that perfect glow

Speaking of getting pool-ready, virtual mesotherapy is an amazing way to feel fresh for the warmer months. Whether you’re carrying over dry skin, wrinkles or cellulite from the winter, virtual mesotherapy can leave you feeling beautiful and glowing after just one session. Contact us for more information on our revolutionary, exclusive virtual mesotherapy techniques!