Save up to 400$ on


Our Elite IQ treatments are quick, comfortable, permanent, free of ingrown hairs and treat ALL skin types.

free consultation

Plus, for a limited time: save up to $400 on our hair removal packages.

Hair-free, smooth skin with Laser Hair Removal treatments.

Details in clinic, certain conditions may apply.

Simply fill in our form or call us at (514) 409-1919!

how does Elite iQ work?

The Elite iQ device offers quick, easy and personalized laser hair treatments using smart technology. The Elite iQ device is equipped with the Skintel® device, the only FDA melanin reader on the market. The Skintel device is equipped with technology that reads your precise skin type, so we can safely treat all skin types and areas of the body including under arms, legs, bikini area and back – making the Elite iQ device the perfect hair removal solution for men and women.

how many treatments will I need?

The amount of treatments and treatment times may vary, depending on the size of the area, but typically take less than 30 minutes! Speak to your provider for a consultation to discuss treatment areas and number of treatments required.

is it for me?

The Elite iQ device can be safely used on all skin types and anywhere on the body including face, back, chest, arms, underarms, bikini area and legs. Talk with your provider to discuss if you are a candidate for Elite iQ treatments.

“Not having to shave or wax anymore is the biggest benefit of it all. The amount of money I’ve saved myself is worth taking a long vacation to enjoy my newfound freedom. Need I say more?”  – Seema

what our client says

what our client says ...

" While this Mediluxe offers a variety of treatments that you may or may not find elsewhere - they stand out to me because of their amazing team! I personally feel very comfortable with the staff. They are super approachable and attentive. But you can also tell that they are well trained and knowledgeable. I’m happy I found this clinic and will definitely be back many times !!! "
" The staff is super friendly and accommodating, the spa is lovely and clean. Their machines are very high-end and do a great job (I’ve seen incredible results with few a few IPL sessions). Highly recommend! "

The first 20 clients to purchase a treatment package before January 31st will receive a New Year 200$ gift voucher. *